How does shipping work in repair services?

When purchasing a repair service you will be asked at the time of payment whether you want the item to be sent to you or picked up by you, once the item has been repaired .

We remind you that by purchasing a repair service, the shipping of your items to be repaired to our shop is at the customer's expense . Return shipping, from our store to your home, is included in your order total.

Instructions for sending us items for repair

Once you have purchased one or more repairs, follow these simple steps to send us the items to purchase:

1. Pack your items well, if you can fit everything into one box. Remember to print and insert the sheet with the order summary and order number inside the box (the more precise you are, the faster we are⚡️).

2. Send your package to the address Maiorino Srls Via CB Cavour, 51, 21047 Saronno VA.

3. As soon as your package is opened you will receive a notification via email. If you don't see it coming, don't worry, try looking in your spam.

4. In case of doubts or problems, send us an email to with the order number.